For a good collective agreement !

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Let’s Protest Together Monday June 15 at lunchtime
at the MGH site on Pine av.
between 11h30 and 13h30

Thursday June 16 at lunchtime
at the Neuro
between 11h30 and 13h30

Wednesday June 17 at lunchtime
at the Lachine site
between 11h30 and 13h30

The government is trying to divide us with its pay offers that excludes 80% of our members!

We’re asking you to go out in front of your establishment for a period of 15 to 31 minutes during your lunch on the days specified above.

We protest wearing our masks and we keep our distance!

It’s been more than 15 years since our wages haven’t even kept up with inflation! We are all essential cogs in the battle against COVID AND TO GIVE QUALITY SERVICES AT ALL TIMES, 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS A YEAR.

It’s time that all essential hospital employees were paid a salary worthy of the essential work they do!

We ask
3.00 per hour starting April 1, 2020,
1$ per hour in 2021 and
1$ per hour or 3% in 2022

These demands only partially compensate for the wage increases that have been denied us for more than 15 years by every government that only has money to fund their friends in the private sector.

Our work is essential.  Mr. Legault, we don’t need the words “guardian angels” but we do need a decent wage.


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