Union Council Executive Committee Shiaman Diawara President presidence@secusm.org Chris Reid 1st vice-president 1st.vp@secusm.org Paul Ayotte Vice-president of Info.Mob. vp.infomob@secusm.org Bill Fani Secretary/Treasurer sec.tres@secusm.org Christine Lesiuk Vice-president health and safety vp.ohs@secusm.org Rodney Sheppard Vice-president grievances vp.grievances@secusm.org Derek Cartwright Vice-President GLEN vp.glen@secusm.org Roger Renwick Vice-President MGH vp.mgh@secusm.org Antonio Fiorillo Vice-President Neuro and Satelite Sites vp.satellite@secusm.org Mathieu Doucet Vice-President Lachine vp.lachine@secusm.org Glen site Sharon Othello Grievance agent sharon.othello@secusm.org Megan Di Lalla Grievance agent megan.dilalla@secusm.org Guillermo Perez Occupational Health and safety guillermo.perez@secusm.org Norberto Couto Occupational Health and safety norberto.couto@secusm.org Montreal General Hospital Vince Cofini Grievance/health and safety delegate vincenzo.cofini@secusm.org Kathleen De Melo Grievance delegate kathleen.demelo@secusm.org John Panagos délégué santé-sécurité john.panagos@secusm.org Neuro and satellites sites Raffaele Schiavone Grievance/health and safety delegate raffaele.schiavone@secusm.org Lachine Hospital Francis Nadeau Grievance/health and safety delegate francis.nadeau@secusm.org Category 2 Glen site Jonathan Bibaud delegate category 2 jonathan.bibaud@secusm.org Francesco Ingrao delegate category 2 francesco.ingrao@secusm.org Armando Rafael delegate category 2 armando.rafael@secusm.org Category 3 Glen site Claudio Marino delegate claudio.marinoi@secusm.org Tashia Russel delegate tashia.russel@secusm.org Evening and night shifts Glen site Terry Johnson delegate terry.johnson@secusm.org Category 2 Montreal General Hospital Patrick Allen delegate patrick.allen@secusm.org Nick Giannias delegate nick.giannias@secusm.org Christopher Richer delegate christopher.richer@secusm.org Jeffrey McKeown delegate jeffrey.mcKeown@secusm.org Grace Wilkie delegate grace.wilkie@secusm.org Category 3 Montreal General Hospital Adamo De Santis delegate amado.desatis@secusm.org Mary Pampena delegate - OHS agent (interim) mary.pampena@secusm.org Evening and night shifts Montreal General Hospital Myles Sadlowski delegate myles.sadlowski@secusm.org Category 2 Lachine Hospital poste vacant delegate info@secusm.org Category 3 Lachine Hospital Julie Dufault delegate julie.dufault@secusm.org Evening and night shifts Lachine Hospital poste vacant delegate info@secusm.org Category 2 Neuro and satellites poste vacant delegate info@secusm.org Category 3 Neuro and satellites poste vacant info@secusm.org Evening and night shifts Neuro ans satellites poste vacant delagate info@secusm.org