Pay equity … NOW !

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Tens of thousands of category 3 office workers are still waiting to be paid what they’re worth. This legal-administrative saga has been going on for 12 years – enough is enough!  Pay equity in the public sector must be a priority.

It’s time the government stopped talking out of both sides of its mouth. On the one hand, the government claims on its website that “Quebec aims to achieve equality between women and men in the workplace“; on the other, it is unduly allowing wage discrimination to continue among public sector employees under its own control.

Let’s not be afraid of words, what the government is doing right now is discrimination. The government is making a mockery of the women who hold our hospital system together. 

Instead of describing itself as the “employer of choice”, it’s time to take action to end systemic discrimination now.

Everyone at the demonstration on September 9 in Montreal!

From 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

In front of the Treasury Board Secretariat offices

1410 Stanley Street, Montreal 

Peel metro, Stanley exit

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