The MUHC and its pitfalls.

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Your supervisor may ask you to sign the CONTRIBUTION APPRECIATION FORM – EMPLOYEES.

         Do not sign this form

With this form your supervisor is asked to make subjective assessments of the “Quality of your work“, your “knowledge, skills and abilities“, your “commitment to the organization“, your “interpersonal and organizational communication“, your “ethics” and many aspects of your “behavior“.

All of these assessments are highly subjective and could vary greatly depending on the opinion of the supervisor completing the form. 

The FORM also contains OBJECTIVES to be achieved.  Of course, the MUHC has the right to set objectives, but you do not have the right to “organize the work” and you have no control over the means that are made available to you to achieve those goals.

What the employer must offer you is support and the tools to achieve the goals that are required, not forcing you to sign forms.

A form can become a trap

If it is understaffed and you have to perform tasks that are not normally yours, this will make a big difference in achieving your goals.

If there is a lack of personnel and you have to perform tasks that are not normally yours, this will make a big difference in achieving your objectives.

There are an infinite number of decisions that your supervisor can make on a daily basis that affect the conduct of your work, and therefore your performance and the achievement of your objectives.

When you sign a form that contains reproaches that you do not accept, your signature constitutes a form of admission that the reproaches made are correct. Your signature will come back to haunt you if the MUHC uses your signature as a basis for disciplining you.

Your employer holds th4e managerial rights, which starts with the organization of work, but the right to manage does not extend to giving them the right to force you to sign a document with which you do not agree.  

Your signature belongs to you; the MUHC does not have the right to force you to sign a document against your will.

If the employer wants to evaluate your work and set goals for you to achieve, that is their right.  If you do not agree with the contents of this evaluation, you have the right to grieve it.

Do not hesitate to contact your union if you are under pressure or threats from management representatives.  In any case, ask for a copy of the evaluation that has been done.

IMPORTANT: In order to communicate with your union in complete confidentiality you should provide us with a personal email address different from

Write to us at so we would be able to communicate with you in confidence.

Your Union Executive

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